Vandaag eindelijk 'the seagull sculpture' van Oamaru stone in de tuin ingegraven. Nu hebben we ons eigen plekje voor de jongens in de tuin. Op de achtergrond (in het midden) zie je nog net Mount Taranaki tegen de ondergaande zon.
Our New Zealand adventure
Welcome to our blog. On our blog we’ll regularly post about our adventures on the other side of the world. We moved to New Zealand in 2007 and settled in our small paradise on the Kapiti coast in 2010. A fantastic spot in Te Horo Beach. Nienke has been working as a manager for the Kapiti District Council in Paraparaumu in 4 different roles and has started her new role there in October 2019. Hans has been working as a part-time General Practitioner, first in Otaki and the last few years as a locum, mainly on the South Island.